EDF Energy

Web chat service

Citizens Advice Plymouth is excited to announce the arrival of web chat on the EDF Energy contract. We have a team of people that will be able to complete your initial assessment via web chat and if you need advice an adviser may be available to complete an appointment via web chat.

This will be an anonymous service and you will be provided with a reference number for your web chat so you can return to us at any point if you need to discuss your situation further.

Web chat is available Monday to Thursday 9:00 – 17:00 and Fridays 9:00 – 16:30

Web chat will offer you an opportunity to get advice queries answered quickly using our new platform, if you require full debt, income maximisation and energy advice you may be referred to our national telephone advice service or your local Citizens Advice for face to face advice.

To access this service, please click on the chat bubble at the bottom right of this screen.

EDF Energy helpline

To access the service you can:

0808 156 6666*

The lines are open:

Monday to Thursday:  9.00am – 5.00pm
Friday: 9.00am – 4.30pm

*number is free from BT landlines and UK mobile networks but other phone companies may charge for the calls

What to do if EDF is your appointed supplier

If your most recent supplier has ceased trading and EDF Energy has now been appointed as your supplier, we can help you.

Do not worry if you do not have a customer reference number, if you know EDF Energy is your appointed supplier, you can contact us. Our friendly team can help you with energy efficiency advice to reduce your energy costs, ways to maximise your income and debt advice. We know this is an unsettling time and we are working with EDF Energy to provide that extra reassurance and support to their customers.

0808 156 6666*

*number is free from BT landlines and UK mobile networks but other phone companies may charge for the calls.


To access this service, please click on the chat bubble at the bottom right of this screen.

EDF Partnership

Citizens Advice Plymouth has been working in partnership with EDF Energy for 11 years to provide advice to EDF Energy customers who may be experiencing fuel poverty or are in financial hardship.

Citizens Advice Plymouth has a team of advisers and caseworkers who can help with debt, benefit and energy enquiries. We can advise on eligibility for the EDF Energy Support fund, help to maximise your income and look at ways to help you reduce your energy bills.

Due to the nature of our partnership with EDF Energy, you do not need to live in the Plymouth area to receive assistance, you just need to be an EDF Energy customer and we will provide advice over the telephone.

Even though we work in partnership with EDF Energy, our service remains free, impartial, confidential and independent. We would not share or pass on any of your information to EDF Energy or anyone else without your permission.

During 2020/2021 the partnership supported over 4,571 clients through to advice and of these 4,571 clients we addressed over 88,146 different issues that clients were facing.

Citizens Advice Plymouth identified £7.4 million of additional income that clients could be entitled to and supported new claims where appropriate.

We have also supported clients to write off over £1 million of debt by contacting creditors, charitable grants or insolvency solutions. The impact of our budgeting advice has meant that clients have successfully rescheduled repayments with creditors to the value of £2.1 million.