Debt has become the largest area our advisers advise on. More than 1,000 people in Plymouth contacted us for support with debt during the last financial year 2022/23 and our data suggests this number is likely to increase this year.
Top debt issues affecting Plymothians included energy debts, water and sewerage debts, Council Tax arrears, debt assessments and debt solutions.
We understand how worrying it can be if you have debts, and how difficult it can be to know where to start if you have debt. On this page, we will bring some information on debt management, advice service and tips from our advisers.
How to Deal with Debt Problems
On the following link you will find some useful tips on dealing with debt problems.
Priority and non-priority debts (Easy Read booklet)
Debt is one of the biggest issues facing our clients. We understand how worrying it can be if you have debts, and how difficult it can be to know where to start if you have debt.
This easy read booklet aims to help you understand how you can deal with your debts, including which debts you should pay first, and where you can get help.