Whoever you are, whatever the problem

Welcome to Citizens Advice Plymouth, we’re here to help.

The Citizens Advice service helps people to resolve their problems. As the UK’s largest advice provider we are equipped to deal with any issue, from anyone, spanning debt and employment to consumer and housing plus everything in between.

In the last year alone, the Citizens Advice service helped 2.1 million people with 6.6 million problems. But we’re not just here in times of crisis – we also use clients stories anonymously to campaign for policy changes that benefit the population as a whole.

We aim to provide the advice people need for the problems they face and improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives.

We provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. We value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination.

Latest News & Advice

Advice Column – August 2023

Advice Column – August 2023

Question The cost of energy and food is so high now. With the kids home from school for the  summer, I’m having to pay more for lunches and snacks. I’m worried about how...

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Advice Column – July 2023

Advice Column – July 2023

Question I’m due to fly to Spain during the school summer holidays. After hearing about all the problems at airports, I’m really worried. My family have been looking forward to...

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Advice Column – June 2023

Advice Column – June 2023

Question I’ve got loads of problems with my house that I’ve been putting off fixing - a faulty boiler, a window that won’t shut properly, broken light fittings. The list goes on!...

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